Research Activities Media 2021.06.09 Dr. Yamanaka’s Echi River collaborative research project has been featured in Shiga-Hochi Shimbun. Media 2021.05.31 Dr. Yamanaka’s Echi River collaborative research has been featured at a website of the National Institute for Environmental Studies, Kankyo Tembodai. Media 2021.05.20 Dr. Yamanaka’s research project has been featured in the web media Hotozero University. Publications 2021.03.03 A scientific article by Dr.Yamanaka’s research team has been accepted in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. Media 2021.02.12 Dr. Takahara (Shimane University)’s research project has been featured in Asahi Shimbun. Media 2021.02.10 A scientific article published by research team has been featured in the Toyo Keizai Online. Events 2020.12.08 Dr. Miki a visiting researcher at our center, will hold an online seminar “Ecological Research Webinar” on December 14. We are looking forward to your attendance. Publications 2020.12.03 A scientific article by Dr.Minamoto (Kobe University) and Dr.Yamanaka’s research team has been accepted in Environmental DNA. Media 2020.05.28 Dr. Yamanaka’s research topic has been published in the recommendations and case studies compiled by The Japan Association of Private Universities and Colleges. Media 2020.03.10 A scientific article published by research team has been featured in the NewsPicks. « First«...23456»