Environmental DNA analysis
Creating an eco-informatized society through a glass of water. Biological monitoring based on environmental DNA analysis enables ecological surveys of rivers, ponds, and seas without capturing organisms.

What is environmental DNA?

It is a research method that allows us to understand the organisms inhabiting in the target site non-invasively.

●Two major directions of eDNA analysis
1. Species-specific detection
2. Metabarcoding

Differences from the other conventional survey methods

●Conventional methods

●Environmental DNA Analysis

It enables us to obtain a large amount of ecological information that was previously unknown.

Contributions to Academia and Society
●Provide data for a variety of decision making at any level

The future of environmental DNA analysis
●Making Progress in collaboration with The eDNA Society

●Many challenges and related tasks that may arise
This center is heavily involved in the establishment of The eDNA Society, and the society office is currently set up within the center. We are working in conjunction with nationwide movements in a tight relation with The eDNA analysis.

The center is devoting to make Shiga an advanced prefecture that adopts eDNA monitoring as a tool for administrative decision makings relating to bioresources.

✔️Sample collection and archiving
✔️Data accumulation and disclosure
✔️Continuous disclosure of data that is the basis for variety of decision makings